Are you an intermediate teacher who teaches Core French looking for some new strategies and unit plans based on research? Some BC Core French 5 teachers, with limited French skills, in the province have worked on creating unit plans that you can adapt and use in your classroom which are realistic to class time and students’ abilities at the beginner’s level. These units are created in a play and literacy-based approach and are designed to meet the curricular objectives, while developing students’ interest for learning an additional language, specifically French.
Come to these half-day workshops and leave with tools and adaptable unit plans that you can use the next day in your classroom!
Workshop dates are December 5, February 1, and May 23. TTOC coverage is provided.
Shauna Néro is the Coordinator of the BC French Language Teachers’ Network for Simon Fraser’s University’s Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs. She is also SD75’s Coordinator of French Programs in Mission. She has extensive experience teaching Core French, Spanish, sciences humaines and français langue at the secondary level and was a vice-principal in a dual-track elementary immersion school. She is BC’s representative on the national Executive Committee of the Association Canadienne des professionnel·les d’immersion (ACPI) and is the Past President of the BC Languages Coordination Association. For the past ten years, she has taught a variety of sessional French teaching methodology courses at Simon Fraser University. She is passionate about using authentic resources to engage students in the learning process and to help support them to become autonomous learners. A former French Immersion graduate and proud mother of a French immersion daughter, Shauna is proud to be a part of the French-learning community in BC and plays an active role in supporting the development of bi·plurilingual and bi·pluricultural students.