SD61 Secondary Assessment Pro-D Sessions with Myron Dueck – September 28, 2020

Myron Dueck’s website: Follow him on Twitter: @MyronDueck
Note: All the materials linked below require you to be logged in to your SD61Learn G-Suite account to access.
Session 1: Why Grading and Assessment Changes Positively Impact Students at Both Ends of the Spectrum… and Those In Between (45 mins)
Some research suggests that struggling learners benefit the most when schools rethink traditional grading and assessment methods. While this may be true, the implementation of contemporary assessment methods can benefit all students – especially those at the extreme ends of the spectrum.
Join this keynote to explore how learning hurdles such as stress and poverty can be lowered by the day-to-day decisions we make around grading and assessment. We will delve into the power we have to shape student expectations of the learning environment and explore the design of systems that are shaped by our core beliefs. |
Session 2: Feedback: What Exactly Is It, and How Can We Make it Meaningful, Effective, and Manageable? (45 mins)
Feedback in educational contexts has been defined as ‘information provided to a learner to reduce the gap between current performance and a desired goal’ (Sadler, 1989). Furthermore, feedback is not only reserved for students. John Hattie suggests that student achievement is a powerful feedback tool for the teacher to determine their effectiveness. Our grading and assessment decisions will have a massive impact on the quality and nature of feedback. This session first delves into defining feedback and the most important elements of it. Then we will examine three different types of feedback and an example of an assessment tool that relates to each one. These assessment strategies will include student conferencing, ongoing assessment, homework ideas and more). |
Session 3: Implementing Student Self-Reporting at the Secondary Level (45 mins]
This session will explore the why and how of developing student self-reporting. We will sample the underlying research, and then explore ways that students can make sense of their grades, identify successes/challenges, and be able to understand their next steps. British Columbia has taken significant steps in introducing systemic ways for students to report on their own competencies, and this session is intended to assist in that direction. |
Session 4: Standards-Based Grading: Misconceptions, Questions and Benefits (90 mins)
Unless your school is located on the moon, you’ll know the term ‘Standards-Based Grading’ has been thrown around a lot in educational circles. Despite its proliferation, there is evidence to suggest that not everyone is on the same page as to what ‘Standards-Based Grading’ actually is. In this session, we will start with defining the key terms and move towards practical applications as we address these questions: