Thank you for joining us!
The links to resources and slide decks are listed below:
Shane Safir

Shane has worked at every level of the education system for over two decades. In 2003, Safir became the founding principal of June Jordan School for Equity (JJSE), an innovative national model identified by leading scholar Linda Darling-Hammond as having “beaten the odds in supporting the success of low-income students of color.” Since 2008, Safir has provided leadership coaching, strategic planning support, and equity-centered professional learning for schools, districts, and organizations across the United States and in Canada. She is the author of The Listening Leader: Creating the Conditions for Equitable School Transformation (Jossey-Bass: 2017). Shane’s newest book, Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation (Corwin: 2021), is out now. To learn more, visit www.shanesafir.com
Slides and Resources
Shane Safir Street Data Keynote Participant Slides – PDF Download
Faye Brownlie

Faye Brownlie is one of BC’s most sought after literacy and learning experts. She works in staff development in BC, nationally and internationally. A long-time advocate of improved learning for all students in inclusive settings, she fervently believes in our collective ability to make a difference for each and every learner. Faye works with students and teachers from K-12 and especially enjoys co-planning, co-teaching, and reflecting on the lessons with teams of teachers. Together we are better!
Slides and Resources
Faye Brownlie’s Morning Session Slides – PDF Download
Faye Brownlie’s Afternoon Session Slides – PDF Download
Miriam Miller

Miriam Miller, M.A., PhD candidate, is a learner, teacher-educator, researcher, storyteller and parent, committed to working alongside educators to embed social and emotional learning (SEL) and emotional well-being into their practice. Miriam is a former senior coach and trainer with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence at Yale University. Currently, she is a researcher with the Social, Emotional, and Educational Development lab and a Sessional Instructor at the University of British Columbia.