Hello Custodians,
I know a lot of have been waiting for an update from me – thank you for your patience. I’d like to first say ‘thank you’ for all your great work this summer. Every school will be ready for school start up and you have made it a very stress-free summer for all of us in Operations. Thank you.
Now to 2021/22, we are starting a new school year with a modified plan to handle the pandemic that is still with us. With vaccination rates much higher than our last school year, we have received a reduced amount of provincial funding. As such, we have integrated 80 hours per night into elementary and middle schools. Please note for secondary schools that the expectation is the students will be responsible for desk disinfection before/after use.
Daily Task List
Please see an updated COVID-19 Custodial Task list attached. It now reflects changes from the Ministry in their August 2021 Update. Day custodians – please print and post a copy for the evening staff.
Custodial Run Maps
Custodial run maps will be updated to reflect the time needed for cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces. We are hoping to have these up to date online by 3:00pm on Tuesday, September 7. Since we only have 80 hours to distribute through the district on any given night, we are unable to provide any additional time to day custodians or secondary school custodial hours. Our intention is for secondary students to maintain hand hygiene and desktop disinfection as they move between classes.
Day Custodian start times
You will note that the day custodians in elementary and middle schools have not changed with the increase in cleaning and disinfection requirements. Due to the limited funds, we are officially requesting that all elementary and middle school day custodians to work a 5:00am-1:30pm shift, beginning on September 7, 2021. This is a temporary measure required to meet the Ministry’s COVID-19 Communicable Disease Guidelines. If there is a bona fide reason why you cannot commit to this start time, please contact me directly. Secondary day custodians will maintain their 6:00am-2:30pm schedule.
Spring Break Accrual
In an effort to maximize cleaning and disinfection, we would like everyone to begin their 30-minute spring break accrual as of September 7, 2021. Day custodians will put their additional time from 1:30-2:00pm; and evening custodians will put theirs from 3:00-3:30pm. Please record your time through TEW on eServices, as you did last year.
Teacher Access
We have agreed with Senior Leadership to allow teacher access between 7am-7pm, 7 days a week. This will commence on Saturday, September 4. Any student programming after 7pm (i.e. athletics practices/games; school rehearsals) will be booked through rentals and you will be provided with that information, as needed.
Room Readiness
Principals and Vice-Principals have been provided with Room Readiness Guidelines to help you get all the cleaning and disinfection done in your shift. If any of the following items are an impediment through the school year, please reach out to your foreman, day custodian, principal, or manager to help:
- windows closed
- blinds shut
- chairs stacked
- sink area clear
- floor clear (backpacks/bottles/books)
- desks clear (bottles/books/papers)
- 1 garbage & 1 recycling per room
- pack in, pack out
- no carpets/rugs (except StrongStart & Kindergarten)
- cloakroom organized
- No chalk/whiteboard cleaning
Again, thank you all for your support. Please feel free to reach out if you need any information. We will continue to work as quickly as possible to ensure all runs are set up for September 7.