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Hiring Consultants | Hanging flammable materials

Hiring Consultants

We have discovered recently some schools have contacted (contracted ?) with contractors and / or consultants-Engineer). Please do not do this. We have vendors set up for specific work. There is in many cases much more involved. You will incur additional costs that you will need to deal with.

With Municipalities even ‘mundane’ type of work likely means a building department permit as well as other costs attached to that.

Suffice it to say, the route to take is contact Facilities and explain what it is you are after. We can move it forward after identifying to you what potential costs may be. We do not make a profit. The costs you end up paying are the actual cost for the work as well as permits and consultants etc.

Please contact us.

Hanging Flammable Materials

Absolutely nothing can be hung from the ceiling, or from fire sprinkler pipes or anything else. This includes all flammable materials including fabric. If this takes place you are potentially placing the Teacher and children in the room at risk of injury or worse. I have dealt with the Fire Code for years and if in doubt I have the BC Building Code and the BC Fire Cod in my office.