Other Topics

Interior Classroom Moves | Last Minute Requests | Summer Project Work | Summer Access


This year once again we will not support interior classroom moves with staff. If boxes are required, your Custodian can submit an SR to have Cartage deliver some boxes to the school. We cannot support inside moves from one classroom to another as our staff have the work ahead of them that must be completed. Your attention to this is appreciated.

We will always help with a teacher move from one school to another.


We are in the time frame now where 11th hour requests can really impact projects and compliance work that must be done over summer.  If you have something that needs to be done and it has not been submitted yet you will need to alert the respective manager of that Department. Time is tight and money is even tighter now. Thanks for this.


Each year a number of sites end up with a fair bit of work that must be completed prior to school start-up. Some of the work is quite messy and/or disruptive. We try to work with custodial to avoid having them repeat cleaning and /or waxing etc. We will try to advise what work may be taking place in your facility by having the respective Managers be in touch with you soon.


This summer we will ensure your site remains open the first two weeks after the last day of school. Afterward it is off limits to teaching and other staff. If you need to access then please let someone know ahead of time. Access opens full beginning the 3rd week of August. It is very helpful if teaching staff are not inside during this period (mid- July to Mid-August).