We are looking forward to Promoting Equity: Culturally Responsive Practice in the Middle Years ProD on Monday, January 24th.
Thank you to the many people who came together to support the development and planning for the day so far. A special thank you for those facilitating a session in the morning.
Registration for the keynotes is not required because it will be offered to all staffs in all our middle schools. The purpose of this registration is to give presenters information about the attendees planning to attend their morning breakout session. This helps the presenter design how to best deliver their session. Registration is now closed.
Thank you so much for contributing to the success of our shared ProD day. Please share your feedback on today’s sessions. Our future professional learning planning is shaped by the information we are able to collect from your feedback.
Click Here for the Feedback Form
Archived Keynotes, Sessions and Resources (Clickable)

Jan 24th ProD – Keynote and Session Archives and Resources
All Keynote and Session Descriptions (Clickable)

Jan 24th Session Descriptions – ALL – Google Doc
Schedule at a Glance
Morning Keynote – 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Promoting Equity: Culturally Responsive Practice in the Middle Years with Denise Augustine
Pause and Reflect 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Morning Sessions 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
- Decolonizing Teacher Practice
- Emotional Well-Being (Emotional Resilience) for Educators and Students
- Thinking Routines in the Middle School Setting
- From Burnt Out to Fired Up: How to Reignite Your Passion for Teaching
- SmartLearning 2022: Power Tools for Richer Reading and Writing
- The power of talk to build equity, voice and student engagement
- Reading Rich Classrooms with Roberts Reads
- Introduction to Systems Thinking and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Anxiety Bootcamp: Strategies to support mild to moderate anxiety for our students and ourselves
- Pathways & Partnerships Maker Grant Working Session
- Second Step in the Middle Years – Weaving SEL throughout our day
- Self Compassion as a Practice to Build Resilience
- Connectedness through health – solving roadblocks to better deliver the PHE curriculum
- Responding to Behaviour as Communication
- Indigenous songs and teachings: a learning experience for music educators
- Meeting students with a Culturally Responsive Practice
- Culturally Responsive Teaching for Multilingual Learners
- Les clips vidéos pour travailler l’oral en immersion: parlons-en!
- Ocean Sense: Local Observations, Global Connections
Pause and Reflect 12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
Afternoon Keynote – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Connection, Belonging, and Cultural Safety with John Harris and Butch Dick
Pause and Reflect 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Denise Augustine
Superintendent of Indigenous Education in Ministry of Education BC
Denise Augustine (Swee’alt) is a Coast Salish woman with mixed ancestry. Both her and her husband, Greg, were raised in the Cowichan Valley and this is where they also raised their two girls Skye and Arianna. Denise has been an educator for over 20 years and has worked with children and youth from pre-school through grade 12. More recently, as the district principal of Aboriginal education, Denise has been working closely with teachers, administrators and support staff. In side-by-side coaching, action research, and experiential workshops, Denise carefully weaves story and research together, inviting adults to open their hearts and minds and imagine a community that values diversity and inspires innovation.
Huy ch q‛u Siem
For more information about Denise please visit see: twitter.com/deniseaugustin1
John Harris

’Uy’ skweyul,
John Harris is an Indigenous Educator and member of Snuneymuxw (Nanaimo) First Nation. Having had the privilege of living, learning and working as a Coast Salish person in Lekwungen (Greater Victoria) territory his entire life, many of his cultural teachings are rooted in this place, and on the land. From roasting salmon over open fires at Esquimalt Lagoon and harvesting Dungeness and Red Rock crab in the estuary below Royal Roads University, to learning to process deer and hunting grouse in the T’Sou-ke (Sooke) foothills, his life has been enriched by a deep and personal connection to the land. As an educator, John has found that incredibly profound learning occurs at the intersection between traditional ecological knowledge of local First Peoples, land-based experiential teaching, and an openness on the part of educator and student alike to embrace Uy’skwuluwun (a good mind and a good heart) when doing this work. His work in this field has culminated in his presenting to educators across the province about ‘why’ it’s important to engage learners in this way. While this type of learning can be both impactful and life-long, it’s also interdisciplinary making it relevant to educators of all backgrounds.
Huy ch q‛u Siem
For more information about John Harris please visit: aned.sd61.bc.ca/
Butch Dick

Clarence “Butch” Dick — began working as an Art and Culture teacher at Shoreline School in the early 1980’s and expanded to work as a District Art and Culture Teacher for SD61 until he moved to the Songhees Education Department about 16 years ago. While Butch retired in June 2019 from his position as the Songhees Education Liaison between the Nation and the School District, he’s now a member of SD61 Indigenous Education Department Elders Advisory Council.
Butch Dick is a master carver trained in fine art and graphic design and is one of the most prolific public artists and educators in Greater Victoria.
“He’s not only a master carver and artist but he is a teacher and mentor with a long history of personal commitment in this area,” said Michele Wilson, who chairs the Leadership Victoria selection committee that honoured Butch with a lifetime-achievement award in 2015.
Butch was also recently awarded an honorary Doctorate of Laws from Royal Roads University for his lifelong work as an artist and an educator.
Promoting Equity Culturally Responsive Practice in the Middle Years – PDF – Download