We are looking forward to offering a continuation of our work from last year with learning rounds at the middle level. Learning rounds will be delivered this year in a slightly different way – virtually.
We know that collaborative teaching and learning has significant impacts on shifting/deepening practice. We are grateful to Gordon Head and Cedar Hill for hosting this year. We would like to invite other teachers and principals and vice principals to join us through zoom. Our format will be similar to last year:
- Pre-lesson – Setting the stage – learning intentions, classroom profile, planning
- During lesson – Livestream for participants on zoom to watch the co-teaching within a CPT framework
- Connect Phase – What do we do to connect the students to the learning and the learning community? How do we stimulate thinking and build a context for deeper learning
- Process Phase – As learners view and read chunks of text, they independently apply thinking tools to gather important information, and then engage in partner-talk to explain, clarify, extend, and refine understandings. Through reporting-out ideas are distributed, and thinking is refined.
- Transform/Personalize Phase – Learners reach to demonstrate their most developed thinking and understanding.
- Post-lesson – Debrief – what worked well, what was bumpy, where would we go next based on student learning
Participants: Up to 4 teachers are provided release to participate in the literacy learning rounds, and another 4 teachers for the numeracy learning rounds. If there are more interested please consider including those who did not participate last year, or do a lottery.
Cohort #1 @ Gordon Head
Schools: Gordon Head, Colquitz, Glanford, Monterey, Rockheights
Numeracy with Alex de Medeiros and Nikki Lineham – Feb 9th and April 8th
Literacy with Jess Hoyt and Tammy Renyard – Feb 10th and April 7th
Cohort #2 @ Cedar Hill
Schools: Cedar Hill, Arbutus, Central, Lansdowne, Shoreline
Numeracy with Angue Gagne and Nikki Lineham – Feb 22nd and April 21st
Literacy with Melissa Mawhinney and Tammy Renyard – Feb 25th and April 22nd
Click below to access archived sessions and resources

Middle Learning Rounds – Lansdowne – Feb 16th – 2022

Middle Learning Round – Monterey – Dec 1st 2021

Middle Learning Rounds

Literacy Learning Round – April 22nd 2021 – Cedar Hill – Grade 6/7

Literacy Learning Round – April 7th 2021 – Gordon Head – Grade 8