Morning Session: UVIC Farquhar Auditorium 8:30am-12:00pm
Keynote Speaker: Candy Palmater
Lunch & Afternoon Sessions: Lambrick Park Secondary School 12:00pm-2:45pm
Lunch: 12:00-1:00pm (served in the Gym, those attending sessions off-site will have access to a take-out boxed lunch)
Afternoon Sessions:
- Full Session: 1:00-2:45pm
- Session 1: 1:00-1:45pm
- Session 2: 2:00-2:45pm
Click Here to see the full listing of all afternoon sessions
Map from UVIC to Lambrick Park

Parking at UVIC
Pay parking is in effect 24/7. You need to know your license plate when paying for parking. The nearest lots to the Farquhar Auditorium are highlighted in white.

Parking at Lambrick Park
Both lots can be accessed via Torquay Dr.