What’s New?
Transitioning to Proficiency Scale 2021-22
Where We Were
The move to Proficiency Scales is a shift away from using traditional letter grades: A, B, C+, C,… and/or a performance scale: Not Yet Meeting (1), Approaching Expectations (2), Meeting Expectation (3) and Exceeding Expectations (4).
Why the Shift?
Proficiency Scales are based on communicating and describing each student’s growth and progression along a continuum of learning. All reports will continue to reflect strengths, areas for improvement and ways to deepen learning. We anticipated that by the 2022-2023 school year, all schools province wide will be using the Proficiency Scales. As of March 2022, we have learned that the Ministry has moved this date of implementation to September 2023 for K-9.
For the 2021-22 school year, elementary and middle schools had the opportunity to shift away from letter grades and the current Performance Scale. Instead they would use Proficiency Scales as a component of communicating student learning with families.

Student and Parent Friendly Language

The following two middle schools are included in the proficiency pilot in SD61: Lansdowne Middle School and Cedar Hill Middle School.
The following 15 elementary schools are included in the proficiency pilot in SD61: Campus View, Cloverdale, Craigflower, George Jay, Doncaster, Frank Hobbs, Lake Hill, Margaret Jenkins, Macaulay, Marigold, McKenzie, South Park, Northridge, Oaklands, and Willows Elementary schools.
Resources for Using the Proficiency Scale in the classroom
- Set of Proficiency Scale Visuals – SD61 (File -make a copy to customize)
- Lesson Sequence Flow Chart
- Sample Lesson: Grade 2 Numeracy
- Sample Lesson: Grade 4 Numeracy
- Proficiency Scales Video for Parents (by Deanna Reid)
Middle Level
- curriculum.gov.bc.ca/classroom-assessment
- Intro to the Proficiency Scale for Students – Classroom Lesson – Video, lesson plan and resources
- Single Point Rubric – Summary Paragraph Sample
Elementary Level
- Reporting Guide for Primary – SD61
- Reporting Guide for Intermediate -SD61
- Sentence Stem Comment Using the Proficiency Scale
Using Digital Portfolios to Communicate Student Learning with MyEd
- Digital Portfolio Guidelines Using Digital Portfolio – 2021 – 2022 – 6-8
- MyEd Instructions – Reporting using the Proficiency Scale