Other Topics

Summer Access | SHOPS | Authorized Personnel Only | Cooking Appliances in Classrooms | Motorized Vehicles on Fields


Access this summer:

Up to and including Saturday, June 26:

  • Weekdays: 7:00am-9:00pm
  • Saturdays: 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Sundays: no access

Sunday, June 27 through Friday, July 9:

  • Weekdays: 9:00am-3:00pm
  • Saturdays: no access
  • Sundays: no access

Saturday, July 10 through Sunday, August 15:

  • Weekdays: no access (email facility@sd61.bc.ca, in case access needs to be arranged)
  • Saturdays: no access
  • Sundays: no access

Monday, August 16 through Friday, September 3:

  • Weekdays: 9:00am-3:00pm
  • Saturdays: no access
  • Sundays: no access

Saturday, September 4: 9:00am-3:00pm
Monday, September 6: 9:00am-3:00pm


Shops power will be turned off as of July 5, 2021 and will be turned back on by August 30, 2021.

We are trying to get as many shops upgraded over summer as possible so this will help a lot. We may look at allowing two weeks prior to school opening next year. We appreciate the co-operation to allow our work to take place.

 Gyms will be available for school staff as current rental rates. We will endeavor to limit the custodial costs, so that these costs are reasonable for our staff upon school re-opening.


We are beginning this summer to identify doors into Electrical, Mechanical and other rooms that access will be denied through signage and key access. The Principal, as site Manager will have a key. Nearly all of these rooms have a multitude of items stored in them in contravention of Risk Management  Directives, B.C. Fire and Building Code, the Canadian Electrical Code and a number of National Fire Prevention Association Compliance issues.


This topic has been brought up numerous times over the past two years. It was brought up to give you a heads up on noncompliance and outright danger. Kettles, microwave ovens, toaster, frying pans, griddles, toaster ovens, etc. are not permitted in a classroom. Classrooms are designed as teaching spaces and were not designed for cooking. Classrooms do not have proper ventilation for cooking and do not meet safety does around that. Tripped breakers from a classroom usually indicates some sort of appliances over powered a breaker and tripped it. Plug ends that are brown indicate heat and next comes fire.

I have asked Winona if she could encourage her members when leaving the room for summer break to please take home all the appliances that may be in the classroom. Don’t bring them back.


WE have asked staff to not move any vehicle on grounds if children are on the grounds. They have been asked to check in at the office before driving onto grounds to advise your office. If they are working (mowing, other work) and children come outside, they are to stop. If they need to get off the grounds it would be very helpful if the teacher or EA that may be out there with the children, helped to keep the kids far away as the vehicle moves toward the gate to exit.

Expect more dialogue from Blair as we work together to make this painless.

 Summer is nearly here! Thank you for all of your comments, questions over the past year. I appreciate them. Have fun and stay safe. See you in late August.