Looking to get started for Coding Quest 2019? Click here for the new resources and more information!

The revised Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies curriculum includes Coding and Computational Thinking in grades 6-9.
Rather than limit these opportunities to students in those four grades, we believe coding and computational thinking opportunities should be offered on a continuum for all students from K-12.
These coding resource pages are designed to create pathways towards coding and computational thinking opportunities at all grade levels.
Please click a link below to get started.

Overview Infographic

If you are looking for quick, introductory, hour long coding and computational thinking activities, please view our Hour of Code resource page below:

Join our SD61 Educators’ Coding Google Group

Ask questions, seek advice, share resources!
Want to start your own school-based coding club?
You don’t need any experience to get started, click the link below to find out more.