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PHE 10 Curriculum Support Session

Richmond School 2780 Richmond Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

This session is facilitated by the Victoria Red Cross and is intended to provide support and resources for teachers covering key aspects of the revised PHE 10 curriculum. Click here to view the full PHE 10 Ministry Curriculum Document Topics will include: Developing healthy relationships Responding to unsafe situations Managing... Read more

Indigenous Knowledge & Western Science in the New Curriculum (Grades 9-12) Session 1

Songhees Wellness Centre 1100 Admirals Rd, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

On behalf of the Aboriginal Nations Education Department (ANED) and the Learning Team, You are invited to attend a 3 session series that will focus on connections between Indigenous Education and Secondary Science. Session Information Session 1: Walking in Two Worlds: Complimentary Perspectives, First Peoples Principles of Learning, and Learning... Read more

Grading Smarter, Not Harder: Secondary Assessment Pro-D

Reynolds Secondary 3963 Borden St,, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Friday November 23rd - Reynolds Secondary 8am-8:30am -  Coffee/Tea/Muffins/Sign In 8:30-10am Welcome/Keynote # 1: Myron Dueck  (Summerland Secondary School, Summerland, BC) Failure IS an Option! Space travel, music icons and harnessing the power of ‘desirable difficulties’.  Legendary NASA Flight Director, Mr. Gene Kranz, famously declared that ‘Failure Is Not an Option’ while engineering the safe return of... Read more

Tech for Learning Summit 2018

On Nov 23 and 24, 2018 School District 61, 62 and 63 are co-hosting, along with the EdTechTeam, a Technology for Learning Summit at Oak Bay High School. Beyond G-Suite for Education Historically, the last 3 summits has been branded as the Google Summit, but hosted a variety of sessions... Read more

Indigenous Knowledge & Western Science in the New Curriculum (Grades 9-12) Session 2

On behalf of the Aboriginal Nations Education Department (ANED) and the Learning Team, You are invited to attend a 3 session series that will focus on connections between Indigenous Education and Secondary Science. Session Information Session 1: Walking in Two Worlds: Complimentary Perspectives, First Peoples Principles of Learning, and Learning... Read more

Dinner & Dialogue 2 of 3

Richmond School 2780 Richmond Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

This Dinner & Dialogue series is designed to promote collaboration and discussion on suggested book topics. It will run from 4-6pm on the following dates at the Richmond School Gym: Tuesday, October 9th Thursday, December 6th Tuesday, January 15th Please review the book options below (click the book cover for... Read more

Dinner & Dialogue 3 of 3

Richmond School 2780 Richmond Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

This Dinner & Dialogue series is designed to promote collaboration and discussion on suggested book topics. It will run from 4-6pm on the following dates at the Richmond School Gym: Tuesday, October 9th Thursday, December 6th Tuesday, January 14th Please review the book options below (click the book cover for... Read more

Tech for Learning for TTOCs

On behalf of the Learning Team, We invite you to participate in a support session focused on technology integration in SD61 classrooms.  This session will be tailored to TTOC’s as well as those who may be starting a new contract. The session will take place on Thursday, Jan. 24th from... Read more

FreshGrade Support Session

Richmond School 2780 Richmond Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

On behalf of the Learning Team, We invite you to attend a support session focused on using FreshGrade as a student eportfolio tool and/or a reporting tool for students Kindergarten to Grade 8.  The session will support beginner users who are looking for basic information about the nuts and bolts... Read more

Indigenous Knowledge & Western Science in the New Curriculum (Grades 9-12) Session 3

On behalf of the Aboriginal Nations Education Department (ANED) and the Learning Team, You are invited to attend a 3 session series that will focus on connections between Indigenous Education and Secondary Science. Session Information Session 1: Walking in Two Worlds: Complimentary Perspectives, First Peoples Principles of Learning, and Learning... Read more

Tapestry 2019 & Additional District Offerings

Tapestry 2019 presented by the Sooke, Saanich and Greater Victoria Teachers' Associations Location: Esquimalt High School If you are unable to attend in-person, check back here at 9am on February 15th to see the keynote livestream. Keynote infomation:  Dr. Julie Causton will introduce us to the heartset principles of inclusion, shifting... Read more

Getting Started with FreshGrade – Elementary and Middle School Focus

Lansdowne Middle School 1765 Lansdowne Rd, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

On behalf of the District team, We invite you to attend an introduction to FreshGrade Classic after school support session. There are two school levelled sessions, and each will provide a basic introduction to the tool and a support support session for you to get everything you need to get... Read more

Getting Started with FreshGrade – Elementary School Focus

George Jay Elementary 1118 Princess Ave, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

On behalf of the District team, We invite you to attend an introduction to FreshGrade Classic after school support session. There are two school levelled sessions, and each will provide a basic introduction to the tool and a support support session for you to get everything you need to get... Read more

Salish Sea Information Session

central middle school 1280 Fort St, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

This is a chance to work over three weeks with a naturalist to study the natural and cultural history of this place we call the Salish Sea. It will include a wildlife/ whale watching trip with Eagle Wing Tours, which is a nationally recognized company, out on the water to... Read more

BCTF Provincial Specialists’ Association (PSA) Day

October 25th features a multitude of pro-d opportunities across the province. Please click here to learn more about PSAs: https://bctf.ca/PSAs.aspx See the calendar of offerings here: https://bctf.ca/PDCalendar/index.cfm?action=month&month=10&year=2019  

Technology for Learning Summit 2019

Oak Bay High School 2151 Cranmore Rd, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The 5th annual Technology for Learning Summit is happening at Oak Bay High on the Pro-D Day Friday, Nov. 22nd 2019. For the past 4 years we have partnered with EdTechTeam to help facilitate this event. This year the Provincial Specialist Association (PSA) called CUEBC (Computer Using Educators of BC) will be working in conjunction with SD61, SD62 and... Read more

Dinner & Dialogue Book Club

Uplands School 3461 Henderson Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

This Dinner & Dialogue dinner series is designed to promote collaboration and discussion on topics relevant to key areas in education. It will run from 4-6pm on the following dates, location TBA: Tuesday, February 25th Tuesday, April 7th Tuesday, May 5th Please review the book options below (click the title... Read more