Lifelong Learning
Each school year brings new people into our lives. Each inquiry and lesson brings new perspectives. The profession of teaching today, looks very little like it did 20 years ago. All of these factors and more contribute to why being a lifelong learner plays an important role in the educational process. It helps educators incorporate new tools and strategies into the learning process to boost the personal and academic growth of ALL learners. An innovative mindset and authentic modeling of life-long learning is a gift of inspiration for learners!
Professional Learning Opportunities

Professional learning series: Early career French Immersion teachers learning together!
K-8 French Immersion teachers in their first five years in the classroom who are curious, engaged and keen to continue growing in this profession are invited to participate in a... Read more

Summer French language learning opportunities for teachers
Are you a Core French or French Immersion teacher interested in continuing to develop your French language skills? Are you interested in teaching Core French in the future?
The Greater Victoria... Read more

La communication orale au coeur des compétences langagières!
La communication orale au coeur des compétences langagières:
invitation à la série de développement professionnel
Le conseil scolaire participe à un projet d’action recherche sur les compétences orales des élèves en... Read more

Ateliers AIM 2022-2023
Ateliers AIM 2022-2023
Le conseil scolaire offre des ateliers AIM pour les enseignant.e.s en immersion en maternelle et première année. Les sessions seront animées par Karen Oraas. Karen est enseignante de... Read more

Apprendre sur La Terre! Land-based learning in the French Immersion classroom
Professional Learning Series: Apprendre sur La Terre! Land-based learning in the French Immersion classroom
Please join us for a learning series focusing on Land-based learning in the French lmmersion classroom.
Tuesday October... Read more

Congrès de la BCLCA: vous êtes invité.es!
Congrès de la BCLCA: vous êtes invité.es!
Le congrès de la BCLCA se tiendra le 29 avril 2022! Le thème du congrès est "Leadership, identité et inclusion en langue seconde". Nos... Read more

Literacy Series for Early Career Teachers
Literacy Series for Early Career Teachers
An opportunity for teachers in their first 5 years in the classroom. A five part collaborative literacy learning series offered throughout the year. (French & English)
Next session... Read more

POPEY Opportunities
POPEY’s seventh annual literacy conference.
Morning Session: Miriam Trehearne, 9:30 - 11:30 am
Afternoon Session: Lori Jamison, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Register HERE
POPEY's online After-School Specials . All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. Wednesday,... Read more

Literacy Sequences with Faye Brownlie
About Faye Brownlie
What approaches to teaching and learning best enable us to reach and teach all learners?
quality reading and writing instruction
assessment for learning and performance-based assessment
open-ended teaching... Read more

Stratégies gagnantes pour une participation active en maths 4-8ème
Série de développement profesionnel pour les enseignant.e.s de maths de la 4e à la 8e année
Une série de trois ateliers pour apprendre des stratégies pédagogiques différentiées pour répondre aux besoins... Read more

Second Step in Elementary Schools
Please join us again this year in support of implementation of Second Step in our Elementary schools. We are excited to let you know that we now have access to... Read more

Re-Imagining Mathematics Education Webinar Series
Connecting Math, Community, and Culture
This webinar series invites teachers at all levels to join discussions and sharing for re-imagining mathematics education through culture, community, and teaching for social and ecological... Read more