The Secondary Assessment Series is a multi-week deep dive into competency-based teaching, learning and assessment. Teachers will participate in after-school learning modules and then, with release time, collaboratively implement this learning within their practice. The modules will be open and accessible and the series will culminate in the development of an online Assessment Hub, to archive the learning and resources for all teachers to access in the future.
Full Description:
The Secondary Assessment series will run from the end of February to June 2021, with multiple entry points for any Secondary teacher to participate. The series will strengthen cross-curricular collaboration and understanding within schools and content-area collaboration and connections between schools. Teachers will strengthen their understanding of the revised curriculum, deepen their understanding of curricular competencies in relation to their teaching content areas and develop personalized competency-based assessment tools that connect directly to their existing classroom practice. The resources developed throughout this series will be documented and archived within an online Assessment Hub that can support future learning.
In this series, the learning will occur in after-school modules of no more than one-hour in duration. To increase equity of access, these modules will be open to all Secondary teachers, regardless of whether they register for the entire series or are just interested in learning about one key topic.
District release time will be provided for teachers who register for the full series. Each learning module will have an accompanying task that can be completed within a two-week window, prior to the next module. Series registrants will receive a half-day of release time per task. Each task will support and scaffold the teacher in the gradual development of their competency based assessment understanding and their personalized assessment tool. Tasks ideally can be collaborative, completed within school-based cohorts that support the learning process.
If schools have a large number of teachers involved, a large initial cohort should be established with smaller working groups (e.g. 3-4 teachers) to stagger the release time in order to avoid TTOC shortages. Consider ways to leverage existing school collaborative structures to maximize the release time. Up to 12 teachers per school can be supported via district release. Schools, at their own cost, can choose to release additional teachers above the 12 if necessary.
Series Schedule
Dates | After-School ZOOM Learning Modules (3:15pm-4:15pm or available to view as a recording) |
Thurs Feb 25 | Setting the Table: Unpacking the Competency-Based Approach |
Weds March 10 | Making Connections: Aligning the Competency Based Approach to Assessment |
Weds April 7 | Examining our existing assessment strategies through a competency-based lens |
Weds April 28 | Revising our existing assessment strategies towards a competency-based approach |
Weds May 12 | Reflecting on these revisions. What’s working, where are the sticking points? |
Weds May 26 | Grading and Reporting on competency-based assessments. |
Weds June 9 | Celebration and Reflection |
Click Below for Session Details

Celebration & Reflection

Session 6 – Grading and Reporting on Competency-Based Assessments

Session 5 – Reflecting on our revisions: What’s working, where are the sticking points?

Session 4 – Revising our existing assessment strategies towards a competency-based approach

Session 3 – Examining our existing assessment strategies through a competency based lens

Session 2 – Making Connections: Aligning the Competency Based Approach to Assessment

Session 1 – Setting the Table: Unpacking the Competency-Based Approach